I'd say she's probably the person I've found most difficult to get a decent likeness of so far. I'm still not entirely satisfied with this one.
Here are various stages along the way:

And the final:

This is also the first in a occasional series of European Actresses
Thanks for sharing the process, Euan! I thought you really nailed her likeness on this one
That's her!!! Thanks for sharing the process :)
Thank you all.
I'll be doing more Sophia soon.
Hey Euan,
Well done! I saw her in Toronto Airport as she walked about 20 feet from me in 98'. And to be honest...she looked just as awesome in real life!
I am glad that on your posts you are showing the process, as it helps/informs those of us who do not have a formidable grasp on digital painting yet.
I constantly check in to see what you are doing and how you are doing it to see if I can somehow instill it into my own exploration into the process of digital painting.
Someday I'll figure some of it out.
el dude - it's nice to get approval from someone who's seen the real person.
cosmicpencil - from what I've seen, Matt, you're coming along in leaps and bounds with your painting.
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